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How much alimony will you receive after your divorce?

On Behalf of | Jan 4, 2022 | Family Law

Your divorce will bring changes to virtually every area of your life, including your finances. Most Iowa spouses experience some type of financial changes during this process, and you may be concerned about what this decision will mean for your long-term stability. Spouses who do not work out of the home or those who earn significantly less than their partners may have grounds to seek alimony, also called spousal support.

The intent of spousal support is to offset the economic inequity brought about by a divorce. If you believe you are deserving of this type of financial support, you have the right to seek these benefits during negotiations or in court. It may be helpful for you to learn as much as possible about how spousal support works and the specific factors that could affect how much you can expect to receive.

Determination of support amount

The amount of spousal support you could receive depends on various factors, including your income, the income of the other spouse, how long you have been out of the workforce and more. When deciding on how much spousal support to grant the lesser-earning spouse, the court will look at the following factors:

  • Standard of living enjoyed by both spouses during the marriage
  • Amount of time the lesser-earning spouse needs to find gainful employment or return to school in order to become self-sufficient
  • Ability of the higher-earning spouse to support himself or herself while also paying the lesser-earning spouse
  • Age, emotional status and physical condition of both spouses at the time of divorce
  • Length of the marriage and job status of both spouses

In many situations, two spouses are able to reach a reasonable agreement on spousal support through discussions and negotiations. Whether you are willing to settle the matter out of court or you will need to defend your financial interests in court, it will be important to keep your focus on what will truly be best long-term.

Defending your future today

When negotiating the terms of a spousal support order, your future interests are at stake. It will be in your interests to consider the potential long-term effects of any decisions you make, keeping your temporary emotions out of your considerations. With the right perspective, you can pursue terms that will allow you to have a strong and stable future long after your divorce is final.