Trusted Guidance To Achieve Your Goals

Experienced Family Law Attorney Here To Handle Your Custody Matters

Virtually every parent who is going through a separation or divorce is concerned about the immediate and long-term well-being of the affected child or children. At a time like this, children’s sense of security and the strength of parent-child relationships are on the line. Parents often struggle with logistics, while children may experience sadness and worries over lack of – or altered – contact with one or both parents.

Family law courts have always watched out for children’s welfare in separation and divorce situations. If a child is born outside of marriage, a paternity action may be necessary. The bottom-line principle for all family law judges is straightforward: the best interests of the child.

There Are Essential Resolutions In Child Custody Matters

With sensitivity to your unique family circumstances and a clear awareness of Iowa and Illinois family law courts’ priorities and tendencies in child custody cases, our family law attorney, Jenny L. Weiss, is prepared to guide you through the legal processes leading to a custody decree. The court order will specify details, including:

  • Where the child will live most of the time
  • When and how the other parent will retain contact with the child
  • Which parent will pay and which parent will receive child support
  • Which parent or parents will have the legal right to make decisions about education, health care, religious upbringing and other key matters in a child’s life

Each state’s processes and labels for the legal statuses of parents and children in custody cases may vary. Judges from one jurisdiction to another may show preference for certain outcomes more often. There is no substitute for the advocacy of an experienced family law attorney when your parent-child relationships are at stake.

Understanding The Different Rights Of Grandparents, Fathers And Mothers

Grandparents’ rights may or may not have legal standing. However, a knowledgeable family law attorney can help you pursue objectives such as custody, visitation or guardianship through the most reasonable and expedient paths.

Few areas of family law are as personal and private as parent-child relationships. You and your child’s other parent – or you as an involved grandparent – know your own family circumstances better than anyone outside the family ever can. This is why mediation or some other nonadversarial path to the resolution of child custody matters may be critical for the attainment of an outcome truly in your child’s or children’s best interests.

Tell Us About Your Custody Issue

Set up an appointment with one of our attorneys by completing our contact form or calling us 563-227-5650. We are conveniently located at West Ninth and Main in downtown Dubuque, with plenty of ramp and metered parking available nearby. We will arrange to meet with you evenings or weekends, if necessary.